Teacher Led PLC

Systemic Approach

IEC’s work across 9 Indian states presents evidence that government schools can facilitate inclusive & participatory learning environments integrated with children’s lived reality.

Heading Needed

Till almost the last decade, bringing children to school was the focus in facilitating equitable change through education. However, as more and more children are attending schools without learning, growing concerns are being raised about the present nature of schooling itself. As a society, there is increasing momentum to revisit the very assumption of what a school means or does to a society and the nature of learning processes that goes into making such a school.

The mission has now shifted its gears towards ensuring that all children attain learning goals that will lead to their real empowerment. To realize this, a deeper analysis of the education system is needed which lays bare the root cause that currently restrains children from learning in schools.

Heading Needed

IEC works on three key areas of impact that, together, aim at strategically altering the system and enabling its eventual transformation. This work is currently being implemented in more than 3600 primary rural government schools across 8 states of India.